from my heart to u


Purple Pulses by incrementing thoughts

By now, you should have figured out how I really feel,
so all these questions should be Rhetorical…
Pass experiences placed my companions on the defensive,
Cause’ I’ve been hurt before,
and the damage TOO extensive;
I’ve yet to recover.
a glance at my exterior made u assume
I’m stonecold,
but no, I’m no wrestler,
I’m more like cupcakes and cookie dough…
So my mouth fails to sends my messages,
my body ignores all my requests,
Even the simple ones, like wave and Hi
For they’ve form alliance with the emeny, the Brain
To protect me
To keep me pain free…
that’s the only way they know how, so I let them
But not anymore
for I need happiness, and they are hindering
So I have to make a decision…
And I’ll take this leap of faith


Long Live Vodka

Smooth… Is the liquor
Like love my body accepts without hesitation
I find it insulting
When your niece gets a perfect score
It’s great
Proud moment which requires nothing but red cheeks
No one ever thinks it might be just luck
R she cheats,
‘What?! she couldn’t do that to me!’
I grieve,
not because I’m jealous,
Why would I be she’s a child and I act naive
But because she has set the bar soo high
Soo high the sky is falling and if she should see below
She meet upon a state like mines
Forever pie-eyed, because of…
This ranting can’t go on.
My apologies for my imaginatives’
I’ll remain quiet for the rest of the time with my liquor at hand
For I’m a connoisseur when the darkest is upon
Long Live Vodka
R.i.p my blood

Gi’anni Williams

I Stand Out

I’m tryin’
Truly am
But nth comes up to standards,
Might as well it be burnt,
Up in smokes
My dreams slip my grips,
Damn these Butterfingers.
Even before it hits the bricks
I see another person snatches my rewards,
my accomplishments…
Means nth if I’m not pleased
these are the days of my life
Stagnant with a distant mind
Surrounded by people none can relate
They say I’m weird
I won’t even debate
They call mi lame, but you a cliché
Ain’t no uniqueness in fitting in
You all look alike, act alike, think alike,
damn if that’s the life..
I’ll never give in


Gi’anni Williams

For my aunt

I wanted to write a poem
Or at least a lil letter
To make you laugh or even smile
To find that happy you
The one tom and jerry
would visit on Saturday mornings
Curious who did you like?
I was on tom side.

I wanted to write you a poem
365 more days of memories…
Reflect on the journey
May have not been the best
But its cosmic to your wealth

So things best be left unsaid….
mama leaving on your birthday
Grief held me prisoner,
For Months failing to see the light
Took me awhile to see
Laughing at you,
Crying with you,
Smiling with you,
No longer worrying…
Cause now she able to protect you

I just wanted to write you a poem
To aid in the celebrations
Through love and admiration
Of an iconic woman.


( i did this but I’m not much of a fan of it, probably because I held back alot. I promise my aunt another one.Stephen)

A letter from my heart (pt 2)

You may be 5, 2
But you’re a giant in my eyes
Despite the fights, dislikes and passive aggressions
The impact you pack make you irresistible to deny
I try multiple times but there’s no truth to my disguised
I still think about you; about us,
Your neck, your lips, how your toes curl in response to a kiss…
Your hands gripping the back of my neck wrestling me closer…
Mines exploring your body, touching all the spots i know so well…
Your body and soul, comfort to hold
Where else would I be when you’re here?

I still remember our pillow talk,
Our dreams and goals,
Plans and aspirations…
Our deepest thoughts’
Yes I still do
And I’m keeping our promise,
I will never forget you…
Forever you’ll stay in my heart

Gi’anni Williams

Please Protect her

Look through my eyes
Grotesques’ Crystal clear?
The screams, harmonic to hear
I’m walking on molten nails
I drink blood, eat waste
smell sweat and decay
felt d blade….
Its winter inside
And my wounds are fresh
If i survive tonight
Will I like the white?
Be grateful I’m strong enough to fight the fight
Against death….

Will this be the fate of my Daughters’ life
To recite the cycle of my time
To be suicidal at the age appropriate for pedophile
Please; protect my child
Erase what she has witness
Done upon me and her predecessors,
Let her think its the imaginations
at their Best
or worst
But vague, obscure at first
Let her not tink of my pain as hurt
But motivation for success
Determined to digress
From the ignorance of society
Let her not accept this slate,

Lord; please protect my child
From prejudice or let them abolish


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Modern day Socrates

So i neva knew how i wanted to start my first entry, so i wrote a few stanza before about options n didn’t save it. It got delete (the horror). Felt odd try to write it over, soo i thought maybe a next time. Instead i give you something i worked on to critic… It incomplete to me still. P.s i aint callin myself Socrates btw.

Sick of being inflicted by philosophers of the web
Imitate the emulated n steal frm the dead
In this case only a few of us stay in bed
They wont be infected wit nth but authenticity
To socialize just to be liked is neva there aim
To be or not to be, ride or die, taylor gang or die, gaza for life, young money forever nothing was the same
Where r the outsiders
Where are the archetype who will go to the corners of the earth
Like Galileo


This is the Odyssey